September 1, 2023
Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet wishes everyone a safe and happy Labor Day. Here are a few tips to keep everyone safe during the holiday season!
Driver Safety
Have a driving plan
Wear a seatbelt at all times
Be patient while driving
Stay alert
Contact local law enforcement in the event of a drunk driver
It is important to never drink and drive. Doing so can put many lives at risk for serious injuries or even death. If you witness an impaired driver, contact your local Law Enforcement agency.
Water Safety
Do not consume alcohol while swimming or driving a boat
Carry safety equipment such as flotation devices and first aid kits
Always wear life preservers
Swim with a buddy
Never leave a child unattended near water or in it
Be aware of no-swim zones or shallow/deep areas
Grilling Safety
Keep the grill away from the house or things that can catch fire (trees, bushes, etc.)
Keep children and pets away from the grill
Avoid using a charcoal starter or lighter fluid once coals are lit
Keep spray water on hand in case of flare-ups
Firework Safety
Wear eye protection
Do not ignite indoors or in your hands
Have adults present at all times
Keep water nearby in the event of a fire
Don’t throw or point fireworks at people
Stay a safe distance away after lighting the display
Do not consume alcohol while handling fireworks