Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet, and the entire staff of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office, would like to take an opportunity to reflect on a quickly approaching national holiday…Memorial Day.
This weekend and upcoming holiday will certainly be a time for family and celebration, but it’s important to remember the true meaning of the holiday, which means so much more than time away from work, or family BBQs, though those things are important and fun!
Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday aimed at honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day is a special time to honor America's history and commemorate the bravery, courage, and honor of our troops who have so selfishly defended this great country. Even though the holiday is a time to celebrate the freedom we have in America, we should never forget that that very freedom came at the expense of the brave heroes who lost their lives fighting to protect it.
This weekend and upcoming holiday will certainly be a time for family and celebration, but Sheriff Tim Soignet would like to remind our residents that adherence to the law and safety are paramount.
The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office Patrol and Marine Divisions will also have an increased patrol presence during the holiday period. Sheriff Soignet would also like to remind all people travelling Terrebonne Parish Waterways for fishing or recreation, of a few safety tips:
Be sure to monitor the forecast before heading out onto the water.
Bring a fully charged cellular device on the boat with you for communication.
Make sure your vessel is equipped with life jackets for all occupants, especially children.
Don't mix alcohol and boating. More than 40% of fatal boating accidents involve alcohol use by the boat operator or passengers.
“As always, I want our people to remember what Memorial Day stands for, and why we are able to gather on this day. Many brave Americans paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and independence, so that we may celebrate this great holiday. We can’t lose sight of that as Terrebonne residents, and Americans. God bless our parish, and God bless our nation.”
Sheriff Tim Soignet
